Category -Dr Neelam’s Blog
Tapping into the Strength of Archangels
A Guide to Spiritual Healing and Holistic Wellness
September Energy Theme: Angelic Guidance For A Bright Future
As we move into September, the energy is shifting, and we are being asked to let go of the things that no longer serve us. This is a time for release, forgiveness, and new beginnings. The spiritual meaning of the number 9 is completion and closure, which is exactly what we need to do to make room for new and exciting things in our lives. Angels are here to guide and support us through this transition.
Beginners Guide to Angels & Angelic Healings
In this blog, you will learn about some of the amazing mighty holy Archangels and how they are helping us in different areas of life. Learn about Angelic Healing, its benefits, and how it can help calibrate your emotions into unconditional love.
Spiritual Healing Modalities for Self Care
"Self-care" is an admired buzzword these days, but what precisely does it imply? If you look at social media or a magazine, the notion of self-care may be simply an excuse to indulge in luxury or reward yourself somehow. However, there is much more to it than that.
Live Readings with Manifesting Tips and Angelic Guidance
Meet my fur baby Cocoa and replay of our live readings And hear two powerful manifestations from using my Signature 5 Step APRIL Technique plus other intuitive messages that you can apply right away
October 2022 Energy Forecast
Take a deep breath and know that whatever you face, you can handle it. The October energy forecast is here, and it is time to get honest about what you need and want in your life. This is a month of spiritual reckoning where we are called to step into our power and embody our truth. The Number 10 is a master number representing new beginnings, so get ready to give birth to a new version of yourself.
Spiritual Practices to Relax and Enhance your Life!!
These practices help remove all negative energy from your life and restore your positive angelic energy. Once you restore your positive energy, your healing process restores all emotional and physical disturbances.
Chaos to Calm
The goal of these particular techniques and tips is not to completely turn your life on its head from the moment you start practicing them. In contrast, the goal is to make a slight change in your life every single day, so when you look back months and years later, you’ll realize how much your life has changed.
Energetic Forecast for November
Monthly Angelic Activation and Energy Forecast gives you the key energy and working with them will help align and co-create your reality with Angels.
3 Manifesting Alignment Tips to Turn Your Life Around
“The Secret” book sold over 30 million copies that talks about Manifestation. Attracting your dreams and goals. Spiritual Leaders like Oprah,
Angelic Guidance For July 2021
The Monthly Angelic Forecast will inspire you to align and co-create your reality with Angels. Learn how to embody the characteristics of what you desire as a coach!
3 Alignment Tips For Your Life And Business In June 2021
Monthly Angelic ENERGY Forecast will inspire you to align and co-create your reality with Angels. Learn how to embody the characteristics of what you desire as as a Leader, Entrepreneurs or Coach!
Let’s Heal Together
ANGELIC BLESSING CIRCLE is now open to provide a Sacred Container of Support. A Virtual retreat for our mind, body, and soul with me your Expert Wellness Coach, Healer, and Divine Channel.
Angelic Guidance May 2021: Leaders Reaching New Heights
Recap of Previous Months
The last two months were a Rebirthing phase.
March was about Transition and trusting that the guidance is there for you.
April was the month to Claim your power, stand tall and celebrate.
Benefits of Energy Healing in your Business & Life
The benefits of Angelic Energy Healing is multi-dimensional. We are more than this physical body. (Think of Mental, Emotional, Spiritual Energies). So there are many benefits of Energy Healing. After an Angelic Healing session, you feel a sense of calm, and an absence of any rush to get anywhere. You feel at peace with your inner self, wherever you are at that moment.
6 Little Changes That Will Make a Big Difference to Your Nighttime Depression
Nighttime depression is an overwhelmingly common issue among Americans. More of us are victims of this condition than we care to admit. A quick analysis of Google's search algorithm shows that "nighttime depression" search term occurs over 900 times per month.
7 Reiki Principles You Can Use to Regain Mental Clarity
The world is not showing any signs of slowing down. Keeping a clear mind is becoming increasingly more difficult. Do you feel like you are always on the run, doing one thing after another? You may be attending a meeting, rushing to get to the meeting, doing paperwork, tending to family needs, and the list keeps growing.