3 Manifesting Alignment Tips to Turn Your Life Around


Dr. Neelam, a Former Healthcare Financial Expert Turned Into Wellness & Energy Healing Expert

 Shares 3 Manifesting Alignment Tips to Turn your Life Around

Spiritual Truth:  God wants you to be happy and to Prosper!

Channeled Message with Archangel Michael


You probably heard about Manifesting. What does it mean to Manifest? 

“The Secret” book sold over 30 million copies that talks about Manifestation. Attracting your dreams and goals. Spiritual Leaders like Oprah, Deepak Chopra talk about positive thoughts, feelings to attract things. Essentially, what they all say is if your mind and heart can feel and believe internally then you can materialize your reality externally. 

Such a simple concept yet what is the catch? What most books or programs skip is how people intentionally or unintentionally block themselves from achieving their ideals, hopes and goals. We manifest all the time with our thoughts. So, manifesting is a discipline and a practice. Is it intentional living? The spiritual meaning of manifesting is aligning and allowing God’s energy to work through us. 

Okay Breathe. You don’t need to change your religion or become religious.


Here’s three ways to Manifest (PMS)

Get the most from yourself and your life this month by adopting one or all of this manifesting alignment practices.


Tip 1: Physical - Declutter your Physical Space

Money is one thing most people like to attract. 

Cleanliness is Godliness.  The Goddess of Wealth loves a clean house. Funny most Indians spend 2 months cleaning during the Diwali Festival season to attract wealth and prosperity. But cleanliness like manifesting is like a daily practice to be mindful about. 

Energy likes to flow and not to be constrained. A lot of stuff over time collects not only dust but stagnant energy.  

Check into some good Feng Shui to allow positive energy to flow in your space. 

A clean space not only feels good but attracts Angels and our Divine guides. 

Besides, clutter causes anxieties and takes not only physical space but also our mental space.  

Manifesting is a practice. It is more than just physical cleaning. In hindi there is a saying “man mandir” Your heart is the sacred temple. A pure, loving heart attracts from material to spiritual goals. See below.


Tip 2: Mental & Emotional Declutter

Love is the greatest force on this planet. See the forgiveness prayers on my previous blog. 

Our greatest blocks come from within. Which we call subconscious blocks or limiting beliefs. We get in our way. Our thoughts are powerful because they are energies or ingredients for manifesting that we send to the Universe with our thoughts. 

Exercise: take a mirror and see the powerful tiger/tigress, courageous, yet loving, kind, industrious, caring, compassionate leader within. Gratitude is healing

You are the best kept secret.  There are many people less qualified making more money than you and caring less for people. 

So go on ladies (specially) own the wisdom that came from age and motherhood. Write and release your limiting beliefs. See below for spiritual healings. 


Tip 3: Spiritual Declutter (Spiritual Healings)

Self-Love is the new currency. The greatest wealth comes from within - Dr. Neelam

Not all Traditional Therapies or Energy Modalities help everyone. Start with a trusted Healer.

Most people are operating from fear or shadow energy to manifest.  That makes them work harder than it needs to be. 

85% of people come from broken families so some of the ancestral limited, shadow of  lack energies are passed on. Those shadow energies are stored in our consciousness inside our Chakra system. This is why Chakra Healings with Healing Meditations 

As Coaches and Leaders it is our responsibility to find ways to heal and balance our energies.  Balancing is Healing.   

There needs to be a karmic balance in give and take. Heart Centered Leaders like us are over-givers which creates karmic imbalance. 

Have you depleted your energy? When was the last time you deposited love in their own savings account? 

If you have tried everything, look into Spiritual healings to release the mental and emotional blocks. ⅓ of the people in the world never get mental health support.

Alarmingly - Physicians have a stigma around receiving mental health or clearings to manifest a balanced happy prosperous lives.


Bonus Support

Tip # 4 Alignment

Tips to Understand Consciousness for Spiritual Minded Entrepreneurs & Leaders

  • Connect to your higher self to manifest easily 

  • Calibrate from fear to love with divine love

  • Learn more about getting more Virtual Mind, Body, Soul Retreat click here

In Summary, manifesting is possible if we can master our emotions (consciousness).

Join me in our Free Blessing monthly Circles or if you feel ready to get more support Angelic Blessing Circle

Love & blessings,

Dr Neelam Rai & Angelic Team


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Neelam Rai