Beginners Guide to Angels & Angelic Healings


Although you might think of angels as fictional or biblical creatures, they act as energy healers in the psychic world. Consider that angels have incredibly good energy and that psychic seers may sense their presence. Angels are shining examples of unwavering love and energy. If you are unfamiliar with your energy sources, angelic healing is the most therapeutic of all those energies. Angels are psychic readers who can improve your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here is a brief introduction to angelic healing to help you learn more.



You may remember reading about archangels in the Koran, New Testament, or Jewish Bible. These are the 'commanders in chief' of all the angels and guardian angels. If you ask an archangel for assistance, you'll probably receive lots of angels working for you! If you're looking for angel healing assistance with a particular ailment, you might be surprised to hear that each archangel has a specialty that is always useful to know a bit more about:

  • Michael: is a brilliant strategist and guardian. You should call on this angel if you're experiencing fear or need help clearing dark energy. He is an expert in assisting you in fulfilling your life's goals.

  • Gabriel: is a messenger and helper. If you want to be more confident or need help with anything related to communication—including talking, singing, writing, and even body language— he's an angel to contact.

  • Raphael is a master of several crafts. If you need assistance with your love life, travel, or healing—he fixes more than just the physical.

  • Uriel: The angel of guidance is Uriel. He can assist in removing poisonous relationships, emotions, and situations involving extreme weather or natural disasters.

  • Chamuel: is another jack of all trades who can assist with concerns relating to life purpose, retrieving lost belongings, cleaning out dark or negative energy, and helping with romantic relationships.

  • Jophiel: Unlike the other archangels, Jophiel has a feminine energy that can enhance and uplift every aspect of your life, including your thoughts and physical surroundings.

  • Ariel: works with animals and the cycles of nature. Ariel is unflappable, strong, and dignified. He works with the natural world, animals, pets, and the environment.

  • Haniel is a different angel with more feminine energy. Haniel can assist with vision, divine timing, love, companionship, and connection because he is linked to Venus. Haniel also taps into moon energy and intuition.

  • Zadkiel is an angel that may assist in forgiving and letting go of criticism and blame. You should contact him if you want to heal broken relationships or forgive others (even yourself).

  • Metatron is God's intermediary with humanity and is said to have been a human before becoming an archangel. In addition to working with children and possessing human records (the Akashic Records), he is said to be in charge of assisting individuals in transitioning to the afterlife.

  • Sandalphon is Metatron's brother and is said to have been a human being before becoming an archangel. He is commonly regarded as the protector of the planet.  He is also credited for determining an embryo's gender, battling evil forces, and restoring peace.

  • Raziel: He helps with manifestation, magic, and all other esoteric matters. You should contact this angel if you have trouble understanding complicated material or want to develop your magical talent. He is seen to have recorded all of God's wisdom in a book and handed it to Adam and Eve.



Angelic Healing

 "What is angelic healing?"   I am a channel and messenger for love, and with my intuitive gifts, I can sense, see, hear, and feel my student or recipient's most loving, healing angels for perfect healing. Each healing is perfect. I simply surrender and become a conduit to divine love.

Angelic Healing and how it works?

Angelic Healing is based on Ancient Wisdom (not based on the new age). The Divine Helpers come from the Angelic Kingdom of Light. 

Angels are beings of light, and we humans are of love. And God is Love. So Angels infuse and bring God's Loving transmissions. God will not interfere in our free will but our Angels are delegated to support humanity. 

Each of us has an energy system that sometimes becomes blocked due to daily life. Imagine these blocks as river boulders. When we experience any emotion that is not really in tune with who we are, such as rage, fear, pain, or resentment, With the help of angelic healing, we may loosen or eliminate some of the "boulders" and get back into the flow, feeling more alive, energetic, and in sync with our higher selves. Energy healing is like a shower that removes trapped energy from our energy system. 

 Angelic healing relies on the angels' healing and love. The angels guide our lives. In angelic healing, the angels direct the practitioner while they assist the patient. The therapist provides a channel for the angels' healing to reach the patient. The therapist is completely under the angels' control and receptive to this energy. The angels' higher energy purifies, clears, and recharges. The human body is a marvel. Self-healing is feasible when you are in tune with angelic energies, and your body naturally repairs itself; even shattered bones regrow.

The angels assist us in restoring our body's natural capacity for healing. Any obstructions may be removed. Since thinking generates energy, focusing on healing and purifying will result in healing.

As an Angelic Healer, my senses and visions work together to direct me and enable me to focus on the healing and responsibilities at hand. For me, angelic healing is natural. It's like watching a fresh movie every time because I am so tuned into the healing and amazement of what is occurring. I relied on the Divine Guides and Healing Angels to direct and instruct me. I listen to them and tune into the receipient to know where to go and how to heal. My mission is to bring love and healing.

What do Angelic Healers do?

Angelic healers provide healing and may give you direction on your life's purpose. Angels are often in several locations and times at once because they have access to knowledge about the past, present, and future beyond our understanding. They are not constrained by the physical confines of time and space as we are. They can view all aspects of your life—past, present, and future—and therefore provide appropriate advice and counsel since they have seen everything about you and who you will develop into. Whether you're a fervent believer in psychic readings or a skeptic, I'm sure you can recall at least one instance when an angel provided you with guidance that changed your life. Perhaps it was a transition in your work or a shift in your romantic partner. Maybe in the form of someone who shows up at the perfect moment and offers assistance and a new viewpoint on that circumstance? It may have been an angel guiding you along the right route in life. Because if there's one thing you need to know about angel healing, it's that although they may take many different shapes, angels always offer sound, intelligent counsel that you should follow.

 The benefits of Angelic Healing

Angelic healing may help a person recover from a disease. A client's awareness may change due to an angelic healing session, which might provide an incredibly pleasant experience. It may be combined with other complementary treatments to strengthen the benefits of those other therapeutic modalities. Angelic healing energy is a powerful but gentle healing that is always available.  Angelic healing may be used to supplement any medical care a person may be getting. Still, it's crucial that it not be employed to replace any medical care a person may receive. Angelic healing may benefit personal growth, such as boosting confidence and removing emotional barriers. Our bodies and minds often offer clues about the need for angel healing. It suggests that we need some kind of healing and supernatural intervention. In the form of our guardian angel's love, compassion, support, direction, and protection, this heavenly intervention is nothing but healing. Let's look at a few indicators that prove you need angel healing treatment. 

  • 1.  Combat Feeling Lethargic or recharge Low on energy

Have there been days when you felt on top of the world and other days when you had no energy at all? Well, for most of us, this is normal and common. Such is life. But more frequently is due to a psychic attack, i.e., the negative energies of the people and circumstances around us—which can be the reason for this low energy. There are also certain people whose company just doesn't feel happy and positive. Energy barriers develop inside and around us due to all these bad energies. Our energy is depleted by these energy blockages, which also leaves us vulnerable to negative things like psychic attacks. These may be detrimental to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Angels may heal everything, even energy barriers and bad emotional energies. Angels are always in touch with the cosmic universal energy since they are made of holy energy and light. As a result, you can ask your angels for assistance in letting go of unpleasant feelings and energy if your chakras are blocked or out of balance.

  •  2.  Balance- Disturbed emotions and mental stress 

Any kind of emotional or mental disorder is a result of unbalanced energy. Energy imbalances cause disturbances in the energy field. One of the indications that you require angel healing is this type of problem. It suggests that you require energy balance and cleaning. You may uncover the source of the energy field disruption and facilitate healing using angel card reading and angel healing treatment. For instance, your guardian angels may advise you to stay away from particular individuals and circumstances to surround yourself with positivity and prevent negativity. The use of angel healing treatment can be very beneficial for emotional healing and the discharge of repressed negative emotions and energy.

  •  3. Ease Struggle with a trauma

Any unfavorable or traumatic experience can leave you with repressed negative feelings and energy in both your body and mind (conscious and subconscious). Then, it becomes crucial to treat the sensations and emotions connected to that specific experience. Angel healing helps in locating the traumatic event that caused you distress. Then, a skilled angel healing therapy practitioner may assist you in making a connection with your unconscious mind so that you can explore the essence of the previous incident, accept what occurred, possibly even learn from it, and then let go. In this sense, if you are struggling with any old trauma, it may indicate that you need angel healing. You need to start receiving angelic healing immediately. Such treatment would be quite successful in this situation.

  •  4. Manage Chronic emotional or physical pain

Pent-up negative emotions and energy barriers can also cause chronic pain. They may often be indications of healing by angels. Even persistent physical ailments and pains are the result of unbalanced and sluggish energies in our energy bodies. Physical aches, maladies, and diseases result from these energy imbalances. Therefore, angel healing treatment can help you if you experience persistent pain or sickness. Your guardian angels direct you on the road to restoring balance in your energies by identifying the underlying reason for your energy block.

  •  5.  Connect with your inner self

We experience many of our emotional and physical issues in life when we are not in tune with ourselves. In reality, neglecting to love and care for oneself can lead to a spiral of regrets, guilt, self-hatred, self-criticism, and poor self-esteem. This might be a sign that you need angelic healing. We must be conscious of, in touch with, and in harmony with our inner selves to overcome all these obstacles and roadblocks in life. The use of angelic healing treatment is incredibly calming and promotes inner connection.

  • 6.  Discover your Life path and soul purpose 

Your guardian angels carry your divine blueprint.  They can access to every aspect of your life and are quite familiar with you. They are aware of your present, past, and future. They can provide a full and thorough view of your life. As they originate from a higher level and dimension, angels are not constrained by the boundaries of time and space. Angels can see your growth and development. In actuality, they contribute to the growth of your soul. You can find your genuine life path and soul purpose with the aid of angelic healing. They can provide precise and useful advice so that you may develop and live up to your full potential. Therefore, one of the indicators that you need angelic healing is that you are having trouble identifying your life's mission and purpose. Angelic  Healing using angels can be beneficial for your path in the future.

  •  7.  Strengthen your Spiritual Journey

Higher spiritual planes and realms are where guardian angels reside. They are immediately connected to the divine, global life force, and light. In reality, they are this energy themselves. They arrive to assist you when you start to exhibit indications of angelic healing. In my opinion, being balanced and in touch with the symphony of all things is what it means to be spiritual. This balance may be achieved through angel healing treatment, which supports your spiritual development. It aids in developing your perceptive and intuitive abilities and spiritual consciousness. In reality, angel healing helps in your spiritual development by enabling you to connect with the divine energy of love and compassion. An angel healing treatment session provides one with sensations of peace, calm, harmony, and happiness. 

  •  8. Improve any area of your life

By offering you heavenly wisdom and love, your guardian angels and, thus, angel healing may assist you in significantly improving every aspect of your life. Angel healing may assist you in finding balance in any aspect of your life, including love, relationships, job, business, finances, money, health, and well-being, thanks to their heavenly wisdom. You may simply channel and direct the healing energy to any part of your life as necessary by praying to the healing angels. The secret is to pay attention to, be conscious of, believe in, and trust in this healing. The indicators listed above indicate the need for angel healing therapy. Do your best to get in touch with an expert in angel healing treatment if you experience any of the symptoms above. If not, you may also perform a little practice on your own to be able to sense your heavenly guardian angels' healing presence.

What’s more beautiful about Angelic healing…

The fact that angelic healing treatment originates from within you is its most lovely feature. You may strengthen your intuition and intelligence and connect with the eternal universal energy by communicating with your angels. Thus, with the help of your guardian angels, you are the one making all the effort to alter and transform for the better. A lovely healing and co-creative experience, angel healing therapy benefit both the therapist and the client. There are many licensed and qualified practitioners of angelic healing treatment nowadays. They assist in your recovery and make it easier for you to recognize angelic healing indications. Reach out to an angel healing specialist if you see these indicators. Angel healing treatment can assist in resolving any challenges or issues you may have in many areas of your life. It will also assist you in beginning a lovely spiritual journey with faith and belief as its pillars. The use of angel healing treatment may both help you grow greatly and help you reach your full potential. Allow the healing power of angels to restore your health and wellbeing! Get in touch with an angelic healer and mentor to experience the beauty of the angelic realm.

Secrets of Angelic Healings:  Unconditional Love

Calibrate your lower emotions or shadow side into Love.

Angelic energy healing has a variety of advantages. More than this physical body, we are. (Consider the energies of the mind, heart, and spirit). Therefore, Energy Healing has a lot of advantages. You experience calmness and a lack of urgency after an angelic healing session. No matter where you are at the time, you feel at ease with yourself. The universe is attempting to assist you in solving any issues that may affect you through energy healing. You could experience feelings of strength and relaxation. It all depends on what you were looking for in the universe and/or Energy Healing. The advantages of energy healing are numerous. Here are some of the strongest examples.

  • To know yourself is to know God

Knowing ourselves and God go hand in hand. A well-known church figure stated in The Institutes of the Christian Religion, "Nearly all the genuine wisdom we may have, consist of two parts, consist of two parts: the knowledge of God and the knowledge of ourselves. The promise of self-discovery resulting from a sincere connection with God is discussed.

  • Lean into inner love: 

They make them seem simple to obtain,  intellect and energy to discover affection, fulfillment, and meaning in life.

  • Self-mastery: 

The ability to exert a strong will over impulses of any kind to shape our destiny as we see right. It may be done by being conscious of our ideas and exercising control over them. The capacity to perceive, identify, comprehend, and exercise one's ideas in the best way possible to attain emotional, mental, and physical equilibrium.


Here's what Angels say:

“God is Love. Love is Divine light. Light is consciousness. And consciousness is everything.”

And God has created Angelic beings to bring this divine light into our lives. David R. Hawkins develops a conscious scale by reading about each degree of awareness on the scale below, you may try to determine which category you belong in. 


By angelic healing, we can achieve higher levels of consciousness (the fastest and easiest way to reach God and heal per Dr. Neelam Rai from decades of research in Energy Medicine and Healings). 


The following modified Map shows how Angelic Healings and Angelic Activation can help accelerate your consciousness and calibrate your lower emotions into love. 


  • Enlightenment: 700 and 1,000:  Only individuals like Buddha, Jesus, and Krishna have accomplished this, which begins at the greatest degree of awareness, which is in the 700–1,000 range. Simply thinking about someone at this level can raise your awareness, which has significantly impacted society's consciousness so that you can see their strong effects.

  • Peace 600 – 700: The mind is mostly still in this state of awareness, which is still classified as absolute transcendence. You may use guided meditation to learn how to access your mental calm.

  • Joy 540 – 600:  This stage, which is only accessible to highly evolved spiritual beings like saints, involves letting go of your identity and stories to find an unbreakable location of harmony.

  • Love 500- 540:   This stage is the main goal of working with Angels and Angelic Healings. It’s a journey into inner love, self-love = Self Mastery.  You can quickly calibrate from the lower levels to this level with a loving Teacher or get Initiated as an Angelic Healer or daily meditation practices. 

This level entails complete selflessness and volunteer labor. It entails giving to others without expecting anything in return, becoming caught up in egoistic wants, and using logic when it serves a greater purpose.  Metta awareness, also known as loving-kindness, may be accessed via meditation and can help you become closer to the vibrational frequency of unconditional love. Meta awareness, also known as loving-kindness, may be accessed via meditation and can help you become closer to the vibrational frequency of unconditional love.

  • Reason  400 and 500:This involves the desire to move past what is no longer useful to you and to develop a fixation on learning more. However, this stage might also involve losing sight of the purpose

  • Acceptance 350 to 400: Here, you start to let go of victimizing attitudes and push yourself to accomplish your objectives while integrating taking action as the maker of your life

  • willingness 310 to 350:This degree of optimism and ability to recognize potential in difficulties is where self-discipline forms and complaints start to fade.

  • Neutrality 250–310:Although this level lacks profound drive and desire, it does offer gratification from your current viewpoint.

  • Courage 200 and 250:At this significant turning point in human awareness, you start to sense yourself responding to life rather than merely reacting to it. This is an empowerment level.

Most people are operating in the world below 200 as per studies.  Now you have the Spiritual tools and resources to get help from your divine helpers and healers.

  • Pride 175 – 200: Positive feeling has increased from below, although it depends on the outside environment. This makes sense if you think of famous people who strongly associate themselves with riches and power.

  • Anger 150 – 175:The next level, anger, can be reached by the cyclical nature of the unstable lower levels linked to external conditions. Change may occur here, or someone may become stuck.

  • Desire 125 and 150: Addiction-like attachment to external objectives and a profound desire for money, sex, prestige, and power.

  • Fear 100 – 125:At this stage, there are significant levels of paranoia and a sense that everything is against you.

  • Grief 75 – 100: Experiencing this emotion differs from living at this level of consciousness. You frequently experience a sense of helplessness and failure.

  • Apathetic 50 to 75:This stage is marked by a sense of victimization and is accompanied by hopelessness, numbness, and victimhood.

  • Guilt 30 – 50:Here, the distinction is between disliking one's acts and disliking oneself. This involves feeling unworthy and unable to forgive oneself. The Buddhist forgiving prayer may be found here.

  • Shame Under 30:This is characterized as the perception that something fundamentally isn't right with you. Here is where suicidal thoughts and humiliation live.

If you are feeling low today -  see the next blog on Angelic Healings and other practices that will help elevate you. 

        See the next blog


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Neelam Rai