Spiritual Healing Modalities for Self Care


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"Self-care" is an admired buzzword these days, but what precisely does it imply? If you look at social media or a magazine, the notion of self-care may be simply an excuse to indulge in luxury or reward yourself somehow. However, there is much more to it than that.


Self-care is asking yourself what you require mentally, spiritually, or emotionally and ensuring that you receive it. It is not inherently selfish or indulgent; it is essential. Adults are accountable for our health, emotions, and personal development. Self-care is the collection of practices that enables us to do so.


What Is Self-Care

Self-care is essential to our life because if we don't take the time to care for ourselves, we will burn out until nothing is left. In this post, I will discuss nine healing methods that I advocate for self-care to live a more balanced life and become your greatest healer.


What Is Distance Reiki

Reiki means "spiritually directed life-force energy." The Reiki method entails distributing universal life energy to increase mind/body/spirit connection to boost natural healing mechanisms.

 Finally, healing is a lifetime process that begins with deciding to live a better life for yourself. Little one, you are meant for greatness. There is much more to life than being locked in unsatisfying work or caring for others while disregarding your own needs. Go out there and make your own decision. Wanting to recover is not selfish.

 Working on your wounds will offer you joy while also benefiting those around you. When you start living a life of meaning and satisfaction, you show others the way to the light! You are a lovely being made out of light and leasure! The cosmos did not create you to spend your life wallowing in the shadows. And keep in mind that you are not alone.


Distance Chakra Healing that goes with Reiki

There are a hundred chakras in our body, but seven are considered the most important. Each chakra corresponds to a different bodily portion and probable sickness in that location. The upper chakras are related to our spiritual aspect.

 When a chakra is out of stability, it can cause considerable emotional, physical, and mental instability in all of the chakras it governs. It also operates in the other direction. We may cause chaos with our acts and emotions. It would be beneficial if you practiced chakra balance so that energy could flow freely. This can be accomplished through chakra visualization and color, chakra meditation, chakra alterations, working with chakra stones and sounds, or with the assistance of a therapist.

 Many wear chakra bracelets or necklaces to remind themselves of the chakra and the significance of maintaining balance and wellness.

 Chakra Healing through therapies like Reiki can cost anywhere from $100 to $500.


Advance Pranic healings

Being around a hostile or angry person can cause those feelings to be absorbed into your aura. These external energies can substantially alter your environment, leaving you exhausted. There's a reason why we cut out so many poisonous individuals from our lives in the last three years of the epidemic. They were interfering with your energies, the sun being! Babes.

Meditation and visualization are used to accomplish aura healing. Crystals can also help with this!

 Various aura healers charge differently depending on their practice's nature and expertise. It might cost you anywhere from $100 to $300 per session.


Sound Or Crystal Bath Healing

 A sound bath is a contemplative experience in which participants are "bathed" in sound waves. Various sources produce these waves, including healing instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, percussion, chimes, rattles, tuning forks, and even the human voice.

 A crystal sound bath uses several crystal bowls' echoing sounds and vibrations to lull you into a tranquil and contemplative state of being. A sound professional is on hand to play the hollow bowls like instruments by spinning a crystal baton around the sides.


Meditation Mantras

The mantras, as mentioned earlier, are designed to generate or promote something on the operational level of life; hence, they have connected meanings and objectives.

 Meditation mantras have no specific meanings or goals. Their purpose is to transport awareness from the outside sphere of activity to the inner realm of quiet and unlimited possibilities. These mantras reconnect you to your most basic level of Being and help you to begin to repair the memory of these traits in all aspects of your life.

 Anyone can use a more general mantra for this exact purpose. This is a HUM mantra.

  • It is generally used together with the breath.

  • Begin breathing regularly while sitting comfortably with your eyes closed.

  • Begin silently saying "SO" as you breathe in and "HUM" as you breathe out.

  • The slogan should be simple to utilize. When your focus wanders, gently draw it back.

  • This meditation may be done twice daily for 15-20 minutes each time.

 As I previously stated, this is a large field, but I hope this has given you insight into this exciting discipline.


Guided Healing Meditation

Guided healing meditations are an excellent technique to relax and soothe your entire being while concentrating your thoughts on your desired level of well-being.

 Suppose you are new to meditating, have trouble holding a relaxed focus on your own, or dislike sitting in silence. In that case, meditation videos and audios make it easy to enjoy and benefit from different types of meditation.

 Meditations for healing and wellness can run from a few minutes to over an hour, making it easy to fit one in when you have a few minutes. Allow at least 20 minutes to an hour for profound relaxation at times. Then your body can produce healing hormones and employ your mind's ability to heal.

 Many videos are audio that has been converted to a visual format. That's OK because your eyes will most likely be closed anyhow. You should maintain a delicate internal concentration while absorbing the teachings. If you retain your eyes open, look for videos with appealing graphics.

 Listen to those you like a lot. Many of them are available for purchase or on YouTube. Here are two videos for you to watch.


Guided Relaxation

Guided relaxation meditations are influential and famous for a good reason. Stress is a significant contributor to becoming ill and staying ill. To heal, your mind and body must be relaxed. Especially when you are wound up, this can be challenging to do on your own. Listening to soothing music and a lulling voice can help. Because of that, meditating to relieve stress does double duty for healing and wellbeing.


EFT with Angels

The Healing Power Of The Emotional Freedom Technique With Angels

Emotional Freedom Practice, often known as Tapping or EFT, is a self-help technique that includes tapping at the end points of "energy meridians" distributed throughout the body to decrease strain and foster a deeper mind-body connection. It provides relief from bodily and mental suffering, as well as sickness. EFT is based on the premise that emotional stress can impair the body's natural healing capabilities.

 The emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a very effective way of clearing feelings. When a person is liberated from an uncomfortable sensation, limiting beliefs and more positive notions about themselves might emerge. Learning EFT also allows people to take control of their emotional states; all destructive emotions are perceived as a result of a disruption in the body's energy. Like everything else in the cosmos, the body is made of energy. Tapping restores the body's energy balance and helps to overcome destructive emotions.

 The core idea of EFT is that all emotions and thoughts are forms of energy; this energy manifests physically and affects all body processes, whether good or negative. While the human body can heal, stress and emotional issues can get in the way; this is where EFT comes in. Individuals who benefit from tapping techniques report that it helps them clear their brains, focus their attention on the present, and enhance their attitude toward overcoming obstacles.

EFT can be used to reduce:

●     short-term or chronic stress 2. chronic joint and muscular pain

●      Reduce tiredness and increasing energy levels

●     Relief from stress headaches

●     Dealing with emotional and psychological issues such as poor self-esteem, depression, PTSD, and anxiety

●     Enhancing athletic performance, attention, and coordination

●      Aiding in the improvement of sleep quality


Akashic Records Healing

Healing using the Akashic Records helps us to get to the base of the problem and heal it. This root might be from a previous life or somewhere in our current existence. Healing such hearts within us is tremendously freeing because it allows us to start living our lives as we want. Learning to do it for ourselves is much more empowering.

 Healing with the Akashic Records is a powerful technique only accessible to those who are entirely prepared for transformation on all levels. It enables one to transcend the constraints of their emotions, thoughts, mind, body, and karma to create the life they wish. The endless stream of love that each of us holds inside us may be tapped into through the Healing with Akashic Records technique, which allows for a simple and direct connection with our higher consciousness. People can use it to overcome many forms of blockages given by life events, relationships, sicknesses, growth, business, money, and so on. Alternatively, it can be used for spiritual upliftment and realizing one's best potential. 

Healing with the Akashic Records is a way of life in which healing is a natural result of accepting and surrendering to what is. The goal is not to "repair" individuals, events, relationships, or bodies. It is to see the beauty in who we are, just as we are, and to feel empowered and whole by being ourselves.


Distance Angelic Reiki (Healing Angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides)

Reiki is a beautiful practice of energy sharing that promotes relaxation, stress relief, and emotional and physical healing.

Depending on what you feel called to, this process may include essential oils, relaxing music, crystals, sound bowls, and chakra work.

 Angelic Reiki builds on the work of Usui Reiki by calling in the vibration and energy of pure love through the symbols of Angels. Think of the term "Angel" as synonymous with "Universal Consciousness" or "Divine Love." It is the energy of source, light, and unconditional acceptance.

 Angelic Reiki leaves you feeling guided, supported, and unconditionally loved as you work through emotional, physical, and spiritual energetic blocks. The cool piece is that one does need to remember any symbols or hand positions but surrenders to the Divine angels and merges with their energy.


Shamanic Healing

In the spiritual world, a shaman collaborates with spirits known as 'helping spirits.' They will 'call' on these spirits to restore a soul, which will undergo natural, physical healing in the terrestrial sphere. To communicate with these spirits, the shaman must enter a trance state and embark on a trip. The more shaman practices and trains, the simpler it is for them to achieve this powerful condition.

 People who have had a life-changing mental or physical trauma may have lost a piece of their soul or injured their spiritual force field.' As a result, individuals are more allowed to illness, disaster, and grief. These people would benefit the most from a shamanic healing session. Through attempts or connections with spirit guides/animals, a shaman will access the spirit realm and cure their soul.


Angelic Healing (Archangels, Guides, Ascended Masters)

Angel Therapy is a non-denominational healing technique that works with a person's guardian angels and archangels to heal and balance all aspects of life. Angel Therapy might also help you receive Divine Guidance from the angels more clearly. Workshop on Connecting with Your Angels and the Archangels The Angels and Archangels are trying to call our attention. They want us to know that they are here with us right now, and they want to help us with everything we need in our lives.

Reiki Angelic Alchemy Healing is a form of Reiki that uses sacred alchemy, along with the help of Archangels, to assist in clearing and balancing the chakras within the energy field.


Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a condition of semi-consciousness in which you alternate between being awake and sleeping. It is merely a "going to sleep" state brought about by guided meditation or a trained instructor. Yoga Nidra, one of the simplest yoga asanas, allows practitioners to relax peacefully in the savasana (corpse pose). The yoga sleep then takes the person through the Pancha Maha kosha (five layers of self) simply and gradually, helping them feel light with a sense of wholeness. Yoga Nidra has been proven to help you eliminate body sores, aches, tiredness, and stress and feel more relaxed and rejuvenated. With regular practice, Yoga Nidra helps a person become active and full of life, leaving their dull, tired self behind.

 Yoga Nidra is a strong meditation practice that induces total physical, emotional, and mental relaxation. During Yoga Nidra, one looks to be sleeping, yet the consciousness is operating at a higher level of awareness, prompting you to mentally tell yourself during the exercise, "I shall not sleep; I shall remain awake."



 Is a Stress-Relieving, and Mental Clarity Modality 

Breathwork strengthens our ability to redirect our creative life force and alter our concentration. Consciousness is represented by light. And simply breathing, we may increase the brightness. 

Breathwork may be employed in various settings, including health and fitness, sports, martial arts, and creative and performing arts. It has applications in business, massage, psychotherapy, and spiritual counseling. It can cleanse your mind, soothe your anxieties, settle your stomach, and open your heart. It may be used to either warm or chill you down. It may be used to both wake-up and relax you down. It can be used to increase sexual pleasure or to heal from sexual trauma. It may be used to either calm or energize you. It can be used to relieve pain and tension. It can be used to pique your interest or to alter your behavior. It can be used to access the unconscious mind or to enter altered states of consciousness. It can be used in meditation or to change behavior.


Summary,  you don’t need to be a pro or go to dozen different Master Healers or Spiritual teachers to benefit from these transformational Healing Techniques/Modalities. As a 5th Generation Master Healer and Holistic Wellness Educator, Dr. Neelam Rai  hosts monthly Miracle Meditations and integrates these transformational techniques.  If you need a private session with instant healing and support, we highly recommend scheduling your Private Intuitive Guidance and Healing Session, which gets booked fast.


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Neelam Rai