September Energy Theme: Angelic Guidance For A Bright Future


As we move into September, the energy is shifting, and we are being asked to let go of the things that no longer serve us. This is a time for release, forgiveness, and new beginnings. The spiritual meaning of the number 9 is completion and closure, which is exactly what we need to do to make room for new and exciting things in our lives.

Angels are here to guide and support us through this transition.


Here are three self-care alignment tips.

To help you connect with your angels and create a bright future for yourself this month:


1. Embrace your inner light

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to embrace your inner light. We all have a light within us that is waiting to be shared with the world. We can step into our power and greatness when we let go of the fears and doubts that hold us back. The more we shine our light, the more we attract like-minded people and experiences into our lives.


One way to embrace your inner light is to meditate and connect with your higher self. Spend some time each day in silence, focusing on your breath and letting go of all the thoughts running through your mind. It may take some practice to still your mind, but soon you will be able to access a place of peace and clarity. From this space, you can begin to listen for the guidance of your angels.


Another way to embrace your inner light is to fill your life with things that make you feel good. Surround yourself with love, positivity, and beauty. Listen to uplifting music, read inspiring books, and spend time in nature. When you take care of yourself emotionally and spiritually, you will be better able to handle the challenges that come up in life.  (See more for more tips)


2. Strive for balance

Another key element of self-care is striving for balance in all areas of your life. This means maintaining a healthy lifestyle, fulfilling relationships, and doing work you love. When out of balance, we tend to feel stressed, anxious and scattered. But when we are in balance, we feel more calm, centered, and grounded.

One way to achieve balance is regularly checking in and seeing how you feel. Take some time each day to reflect on what is going well in your life and what areas could use some improvement. This can be done through journaling or simply taking a few minutes to sit quietly with your thoughts. Once you have identified the areas that need some attention, you can start making small changes to help bring more balance into your life.


It is also important to be mindful of the energy you are putting out into the world. Are you constantly complaining or gossiping? Or are you striving to be positive and uplifting? The more positive energy you put out there, the more you will receive. So make an effort to spread love and light wherever you go.


3. Seek angelic guidance

If you feel lost or confused about your life path, know that you are not alone. We all need guidance from time to time, and luckily we have angels who are always ready and willing to help. All you have to do is ask, and they will send signs and messages your way.

One way to connect with your angels is through meditation or prayer. Make a list of all the things you would like help with, and then spend some time each day asking for their guidance. You can also ask them for help in specific situations as they come up. Another way to connect with your angels is by keeping a journal where you write down any signs or synchronicities you receive from them.


Angels are always there for us, but sometimes we need help remembering they are there. If you doubt their existence or question their guidance, ask them for a sign that will leave no doubt in your mind. And trust that they will give you what you need when the time is right.


Bonus Tip: Create a bright future

The final step in this self-care alignment process is to create a bright future for yourself. This means setting intentions and taking action towards your goals. Start by looking at where you are currently in your life and where you would like to be in the future. What steps do you need to take to get there? What changes do you need to make? Who do you need to become? And once you have a clear vision of what you want, start taking action towards making it a reality.


Remember that everything starts with intention. So take some time each day to focus on what you want to create in your life. Visualize it clearly in your mind and feel what it would be like to achieve it. The more specific and focused you can be with your intention, the better results you will see down the road.


But don't forget that Angelic guidance exists all around us - if we only take the time to listen.


I know these all sound so wonderful, and often we fall back. You don't need to do this alone. Join our September Healing and Meditation Circle for a Powerful Releasing Excercise healing. You will love doing Intention ceremonies.

Follow the Bonus Tips and bring your Manifesting desires, Health & Wealth Intentions inside the Special Curated Angelic  Healing and Meditation Circle for further support. Join her with September Offerings


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Neelam Rai