Angelic Guidance for July 2021

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Energetic Forecast for July

Coaches are Integrating. Yes!

Recap of Previous Months

The first few months of 2021 were a rebirthing phase. 

  • March was about transition and trusting that the guidance is there for you.

  • April was the month to claim your power, stand tall and celebrate. 

  • May was reaching new heights. 

June was reaching growth.

Now July is the time to integrate all that you have learned. Integration had been a running theme with The Global Covid Awareness. Integration is just as important as learning. When our cups are overflowing we can’t take more. So it is time to embody all that intelligence and share it with the world. First, Pause, Savor all that you have gathered. This is an opportunity to apply all your wisdom, experiences into your life and in offering to the World.

3 Tips to Help You Align

Get the most from yourself and your business this month by adopting one or all of this month's alignment practices.


Tip 1: Nourish your Heart

Ask yourself: in this busyness of life, what needs amendment.  This phase is important to tie any loose ends. Perhaps you had been scared of bigger visibility or had imposter syndrome sabotage. What might be holding you back? Master your mindset by first Mastering your Emotions or going within. You are not alone. 

Refer to last month's Blog on forgiveness prayer. 

Connect with a qualified HolisticTherapist/Guide like Dr.Neelam to remove any abundance or inner child blocks.

Inner child block - can result in limited beliefs and subconscious blocks that hold many back from attaining full potential.

To attract more abundance blessings in your life - opening your heart is the key and you can do this in the Blessing Meditation events for coaches


Tip 2: Nourish your body

Can’t travel. No problem. Create inner sanctuary

Salt bath with essential oils is very uplifting.

In these stillness integrate by saying Thank you, my beautiful body. 

Write a thank you letter to your body to bring you this far. This body is your sacred temple. Release any physical aches and pains with a bath ritual.


Tip 3: Nourish Your Soul & Mind

Self Love is ever-evolving.  

If you think, you feel incomplete in your competency as a leader and coach just know your soul knows more than you know.

So nourish your soul this month -so you can tap into all those wisdom from within. It will thank you. 

How you do one thing is how you do everything. This is one of the biggest lessons from being an Integrative Wellness & Wealth Advocate.

Wellness = Wealth

In Summary, this month is all about you and fully begin to nourish yourself on all levels. Mind, Heart, body, and soul. 

If you need more support ask me how to join our ANGELIC BLESSING CIRCLE and enjoy over $1000s in expiring bonuses. This sacred space is created to empower, energize and elevate leaders like you from all walks of life. 

Love & blessings,

Dr Neelam Rai & Angelic Team